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Our commanding officer briefs us on the situation, which is just as dire as Prefect Daven presented it. The devans are amassing RS Gold in numbers just beyond the outpost walls and have blocked off the path to Crescentia, the nearest town. Neacal suspects that a devan by the name of Tuebenius is acting as mastermind to the marauders' movements. He sends us out to…negotiate.

Amareth stands back and plinks them from afar while I get in and try to use my strongest attacks. Flatten works out well, knocking Tuebenius down long enough for us to shave off a good deal of his health. After that, taking him out is fairly easy, leaving us free to search his camp for the stolen goods. Too bad there's no way to add these directly to our inventories… I guess a federation officer should stay honorable. The missing merchandise is spread throughout this camp and a couple of smaller camps nearby, so we grab as much as possible before heading out, just in case any devans wonder what happened to their leader and give us trouble.

Tera has been in development for a remarkable amount of time, but they haven’t been whistling the-Korean-equivalent-of-Dixie Buy RS Gold over there. The game world is absolutely massive, but even more impressive is the sense of incredible exploration and wonder in said world. A quick Google search can show you some of the breadth and beauty of some of the hundreds of unique, almost alien landscapes found throughout Tera. A representative on-hand mentioned that over two hundred individual artists were working on the title, a staggering number, and it shows.

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